The Leeds Trinity Education Network (LTEN) is a free, community network for schools, colleges, universities and relevant public and third sector education organisations associated with Leeds Trinity University.

​It's a thriving network of like-minded individuals and organisations who want to support best practice in all aspects of the education and lives of children, young people and their families and supporters, including the initial and continuing education of teachers, and offers opportunities to:

  • network and share best practice
  • gain access to CPD and training
  • be inspired by guest speakers,
  • be invited to useful and informative events throughout the year.

Member benefits

As a member you'll receive regular e-newsletter updates including:

  • Relevant blogs from Leeds Trinity academics and member organisations
  • Podcasts featuring guest speakers and academic experts
  • Case studies from member organisations to share best practice
  • Information on CPD courses, training and events at Leeds Trinity
  • Job vacancies

Follow us on Twitter

You can follow LTEN on Twitter:

Get in touch

If you have any questions, please contact Dr Duncan Martin, Deputy Dean of the Institute of Childhood and Education at Leeds Trinity University, email: [email protected]