Here you can find information about each committee of the Board of Governors, its terms of reference, membership, and dates of meetings.
The committees include:
Academic Assurance and Student Experience Committee
The purpose of the AASEC will be to provide assurance to the Board of Governors on the University’s regulatory compliance around academic quality and standards; learning and teaching; the reliability of degree standards; and the continuous improvement and enhancement of the student experience, both on-campus and at collaborative partners. The AASEC will undertake its duties with reference to the Office for Students Conditions of Registration, the UK Quality Code for Higher Education and the University’s Strategic Plan, Mission, Values and Vision.
You can read the committee's full specific duties below.
- Ceri Nursaw (Chair)
- Maddeleine Goodhand (SU President)
- Prof Charles Egbu
- Sophia Milnes
- Olivia Fleming (Co-opted Committee Member)
- Lawrence Bentley
- Thelma FForde-Escobar
- Monsignor Paul Grogan
- Susan Hogston
Academic Assurance and Student Experience Committee specific duties
The AASEC's specific duties
To advise the Board of Governors on:
- the University’s compliance with the OfS Conditions of Registration, particularly those with relate to ‘quality, reliable standards and positive outcomes for all students’ (‘B’ Conditions).
- the University’s compliance with the mandatory elements of the UK Quality Code for Higher Education.
- the strategies in place to continually improve and enhance the student academic experience on-campus and at collaborative partners.
- the strategies in place which relate to the academic delivery of the University’s academic portfolio and the reliability and integrity of assessment.
- the reliability of degree standards and awards issued in the University’s name.
- the currency of the University’s Taught Programme Academic Regulations (TPAR) and algorithms in place for calculating and awarding degrees.
- the strategies in place with relate to the Access and Participation Plan (APP) and the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF).
- any other matters referred to it by the Board of Governors.
And further:
- To receive, consider and endorse the Institutional Annual Quality Report (IAQR) to the Board of Governors and any other strategic information relating to the academic quality and standards of the University’s taught degree provision, or programmes which are accredited by Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs);
- To receive, consider and endorse the Institutional Self-Assessment Report (SAR) to the Board of Governors in relation to the University’s higher and degree-level apprenticeship provision to the Board of Governors, and receive any other strategic information relating to the University’s apprenticeship and work-based learning (WBL) provision;
- To consider any changes to the academic portfolio of the University in line with the University’s Strategic Plan, Mission, Values and Vision;
- To receive a report, following each meeting of the Academic Board, which provides an executive summary of the outcomes of the meeting plus any relevant outcomes from its sub-committees
- To receive any additional information which pertains to the strategic management and enhancement of the student experience at Leeds Trinity University and its collaborative partners or the achievement of relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Academic Assurance and Student Experience Committee meeting dates
Meeting dates 2024/25
- Thursday 21 November 2024
- Wednesday 12 February 2025
- Wednesday 9 July 2025
To request the minutes of meetings please contact [email protected].
Audit Committee
The work of the Audit Committee is to ensure the Board of Governors can be confident about the effective operation of the organisation's processes and systems, the management of risk, and the correctness and integrity of the information provided to governors and external bodies.
You can read the Committee's full terms of reference below.
- Martin Holden (Chair)
- Prof Denis Kobzev
- Thelma FForde-Escobar
- Vijay Sharma
- James Thompson (Co-opted Committee Member)
Audit Committee Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference
The terms of reference of the Committee are as follows:
- To make recommendations to the Board of Governors on the appointment of auditors;
- To monitor the provision of any non-audit services by the external auditors;
- To discuss with the external auditors, before the audit begins, the nature and scope of the audit;
- To discuss with the external auditors’ problems and reservations arising from the interim and final audits, including a review of the management letter incorporating management responses, and any other matters the external auditors may wish to discuss (in the absence of management where necessary);
- To act on behalf of the Board of Governors in the appointment of the internal audit service (and the head of internal audit, if applicable) and any questions of resignation or dismissal of the internal auditors, the approval of terms of engagement, the audit fee and the provision of any non-audit services by the internal auditors;
- To review and approve the internal auditors’ audit needs assessment and the audit plan; to consider major findings of internal audit investigations and management’s response; and promote co-ordination between the internal and external auditors. The committee will ensure that the resources made available for internal audit are sufficient to meet the institution’s needs (or make a recommendation to the governing body as appropriate);
- To keep under review the effectiveness of internal control and risk management systems, and in particular to review the external auditor’s management letter, the internal auditors’ annual report, and management responses;
- To monitor the implementation of agreed audit-based recommendations;
- To ensure that all significant losses have been properly investigated and that the internal and external auditors, and where appropriate the Office for Students (OfS) Accounting Officer, have been informed;
- To oversee the institution’s policies on fraud, bribery and irregularity, including being notified of any action taken under these policies;
- To satisfy itself that satisfactory arrangements are in place to promote economy, efficiency and effectiveness;
- To receive any relevant reports from the National Audit Office, the OfS and other organisations;
- To monitor annually the performance and effectiveness of external and internal auditors, and, on behalf of the Board of Governors, to approve their re-appointment, where appropriate;
- To consider elements of the annual financial statements in the presence of the external auditor, including the auditors’ formal opinion, the statement of members’ responsibilities and any corporate governance statement. This consideration will include internal and risk managements;
- To satisfy itself that satisfactory arrangements are in place to ensure effective data quality management;
- To monitor and report to the Board on the effective operation of the Committee;
- To prepare an annual report addressed to the Board of Governors and the Vice-Chancellor, as Accountable Officer, covering the institution’s financial year and any significant issues up to the date of preparing the report, summarising activity undertaken by the Committee during that period and stating the Committee’s opinion on the adequacy and effectiveness of the institution’s arrangements for risk management, control and governance, value for money (economy, efficiency and effectiveness), and the management and quality assurance of data submitted to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), OfS, the Student Loans Company and other relevant bodies. The report must be presented to and reviewed by the Board of Governors before the audited financial statements are signed;
- Determining any other matters referred to the Committee from time to time by the Board of Governors.
Audit Committee meeting dates
Meeting dates 2024/25
- Thursday 26 September 2024
Thursday 7 November 2024
Thursday 13 March 2025
- Thursday 5 June 2025
To request the minutes of meetings please contact [email protected].
Finance & Resources Committee
The Finance & Resources Committee monitors the financial health and financial performance of the University. It advises the Board of Governors on all financial matters, including the financial strategy of the University, the effective and efficient use of resources, the solvency of the University, and the safeguarding of its assets. It also oversees the university's financial regulations, annual budget and audited accounts.
You can read the committee's full terms of reference below.
- Kevin O'Connor (Chair)
- Prof Charles Egbu (Vice-Chancellor)
- Roland Maposa
- Richard Atkinson
- David Oldroyd
- Tara Smith
- Stuart McLeod
Finance and Resources Committee Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference
The terms of reference of the Committee are as follows:
- Advising the Board of Governors on all financial matters, including the financial strategy of the University, the effective and efficient use of resources, the solvency of the University, and the safeguarding of its assets;
- Determining the financial regulations for the University;
- Approving the income, expenditure and capital estimates of the University and making recommendations to the Board of Governors;
- Recommending to the Board of Governors the annual budget and the adoption of the annual audited accounts;
- Monitoring the financial health of the University and its financial performance;
- Authorising spending within agreed budget limits as agreed from time to time by the Board of Governors;
- Determining employment policy and regulations for the University (including grievance, discipline and capability);
- Monitoring employment practices to ensure compliance with University policies, procedures and statutory provisions;
- Approving a framework for the pay and conditions of staff and annual or other salary awards (excluding those designated as ‘senior staff’);
- Making recommendations on the development of the University estate and the rest of its physical infrastructure, including information and communications technology (ICT);
- Monitoring the implementation of major* estates and facilities projects and ensuring the compliance with all relevant legal, value for money and good practice criteria;
- Approving an estate strategy for the University and recommending it to the Board of Governors;
- Approving an Information strategy for the University and recommending it to the Board of Governors;
- Ensuring that the University’s estate and facilities are maintained in a condition suited to the needs of the University and its strategic plan;
- Monitoring all activity involving risk assessment falling within the responsibility of the Finance and Resources Committee;
- Recommending to the Board of Governors the overall borrowing requirements including any overdraft facility;
- To monitor and report to the Board on the effective operation of the Committee;
- Determining any other matters referred to the Committee from time to time by the Board of Governors.
*including all projects defined as ‘large’ in the University’s financial regulations and procedures.
Finance & Resources Committee Meeting dates
Meeting dates 2024/25
- Wednesday 6 November 2024
- Wednesday 22 January 2025
- Wednesday 5 March 2025
- Wednesday 4 June 2025
To request the minutes of meetings please contact [email protected].
Governance & Nominations Committee
The Governance & Nominations Committee is concerned with the composition and profile of the Board itself, and the processes and procedures for governor selection, appointment, induction and development.
Its functions include monitoring and report on the effectiveness of committees and making recommendations to the Board on strategic governance issues.
You can read the committee's full terms of reference below.
- Emily Reed (Chair)
- Prof Charles Egbu
- Jamie Hanley
- Maddeleine Goodhand (SU President)
- Roland Maposa
Governance & Nominations Committee Terms of reference
Terms of reference
The terms of reference of the Governance & Nominations Committee are as follows:
- Monitoring the membership profile of the Board in terms of its expertise and experience, and identifying any areas of weakness;
- Making recommendations to the Board concerning procedures for the selection, appointment, induction and development of governors;
- To monitor governor induction and development;
- Making recommendations to the Board on nominations to committees;
- Making recommendations to the Board on developing good practice in governance, and for assuring the overall conduct of governance;
- To commission and oversee the triennial governance effectiveness review and monitor the resulting action plan once the review is approved by Board.
- Making recommendations to the Board concerning its statutory obligations in respect of the Students’ Union;
- Making recommendations to the Board on strategic governance issues;
- To monitor and report to the Board on the effective operation of the Board’s standing committees and their sub-committees and time or task-limited working groups;
- To monitor and report to the Board on the effective operation of the Committee;
- To advise the Board of Governors on the process for the appointment of the Chancellor, the Pro-Chancellors, the Vice-Chancellor, the Company Secretary (who also acts as Clerk to the Board of Governors) and the Executive;
- To monitor university wide ethical matters where not covered by the remit of the Research Ethics Sub-Committee;
- To undertake any other reviews that the Board requests the Committee to undertake on its behalf.
Governance & Nominations Committee meeting dates
Meeting dates 2023/24
- Wednesday 13 November 2024
- Wednesday 5 February 2025
- Wednesday 18 June 2025
To request the minutes of meetings please contact [email protected].
Partnership Committee
The terms of reference of the Committee are awaiting Board approval.
- Mr B McCarthy (Chair)
- Mr L Bentley
- Ms M Goodhand
- Ms S Milnes
- Mr K O’Connor
- Prof C Egbu
Partnership Committee Meeting dates
Meeting dates 2023/24
- Thursday 26 March 2024
- Wednesday 19 June 2024
- Wednesday 25 September 2024
- Thursday 13 February 2025
To request the minutes of meetings please contact [email protected].
Remuneration Committee
Operating under the delegated authority of the governing body, as detailed in the committee’s terms of reference, the duties of the remuneration committee include determining the remuneration of the Vice-Chancellor and other senior post holders. The committee’s remit covers all forms of remuneration, including bonus and severance payments.
You can read the committee's full terms of reference below.
- Vijay Sharma (Chair)
- Jamie Hanley
- Amy Wilson
- Bill McCarthy
- Andrew Sumner (Co-opted Committee Member)
Remuneration Committee Terms of reference
Terms of reference
The terms of reference of the Remuneration Committee are as follows:
- To review and determine the Vice-Chancellor’s salary and terms of employment (including at recruitment to assist the work of the selection panel).
- To review and determine the salaries and terms of employment of the other members of the Executive and the Clerk (including at recruitment to assist the work of the selection panel), and to receive and consider any recommendation from the Vice-Chancellor regarding the same.
- To ensure equity, fairness and appropriate remuneration differentials, the Committee will be consulted on the remuneration of other senior managers starting at the University, when any proposed remuneration is commensurate with existing Executive remuneration.
- To approve the design of, and determine the targets for, any performance and/or merit related pay scheme applying to the Vice-Chancellor and/or the Executive, and to approve payments made under such a scheme.
- To receive and consider reports from the Chair of the Board on the performance of the Vice-Chancellor and the Clerk, and from the Vice-Chancellor on the performance of the University’s Executive.
- To approve severance arrangements regarding the termination of the employment of the Vice-Chancellor or that of any member of the Executive and the Clerk.
- To consider and determine any request from a member of staff, or applicant for a position with the University, for the payment of a salary supplement in lieu of an employer's pension contribution.
- To keep the University’s overall remuneration strategy under review.
Remuneration Committee Meeting dates
Meeting dates 2024/25
- Thursday 14 November 2024
- Thursday 6 February 2025
- Thursday 19 June 2025
To request the minutes of meetings please contact [email protected].